So these things are called Mars Planets and HEY GUESS WHAT? They're pretty good! They are special I guess because there is one soft, one crispy, and one chewy little chocolate covered ball thing. The soft one is basically like a round little Three Musketeer's bar with nougat-y stuff in it, the crispy one is kind of like a malted milk ball maybe, and then chewy one is caramel inside I think. I for one am pretty satisfied and impressed! And there is a good amount in the package, hoorah!
Good job Mars Planets, you get a 4 our of 5!
yesyes european candy!! *drooldrooldrool* bring lots back for your dear friend hannah pleeease!
(also the verification word right now is "poots" hehehehhee)
if it's chillblains you should wear wool socks like, EVERYWHERE. which is nice. and toasty. until you go inside and you kind of feel like you're walking on sponges.
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